¿Es la mente no lineal?
Capítulo 1
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van DIJK, M., & van GEERT, P. (2007). Wobbles, humps and sudden jumps: A case study of continuity, discontinuity and variability in early language development. Infant and Child De- velopment, 16 (1), 7-33.
van GEERT, P. (1998). We almost had a great future behind us: the contribution of non-linear dy- namics to developmental science in the making. Developmental Science, 1, 143-159.
van GEERT, P. (2003). Dynamic systems approaches and modeling of developmental processes. In J. Valsiner and K. J. Conolly (Eds.), Handbook of developmental Psychology. London: Sage. pp. 640-672.
van GEERT, P., & STEENBEEK, H. (2005). Explaining after by before. Basic aspects of a dynamic systems approach to the study of development. Developmental Review, 25 (3-4), 408-442.
van GEERT, P., & van DIJK, M. (2002). Focus on variability; new tools to study intra-individual variability in developmental data. Infant Behavior and Development, 25, 340-374.
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Capítulo 2
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van GEERT, P. (1998). We almost had a great future behind us: the contribution of non-linear dy- namics to developmental science in the making. Developmental Science 1, 143-159.
van GEERT, P. & van DIJK, M., (2002). Focus on variability; new tools to study intra-individual variability in developmental data. Infant Behavior and Development, 25, 340-374.
van GEERT, P. (2003). Dynamic systems approaches and modeling of developmental process. In Valsiner, J. & Conolly, K. J. (Eds.), Handbook of development psychology (pp. 640-672). London: Sage.
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Capítulo 3
ADOLPH, K.E. & Vereijken, B. (2005). Esther Thelen (1942-2004). American Psychologist. 60(9), 1032.
BEER, R.D. (2006). Beyond control: The dynamics of brain-body-environment interaction in mo- tor systems. En: D. Sternad. (Ed). Progress in Motor Control: A multidisciplinary Perspective. EE.UU: Springer.
BEER, R.D. (2000). Dynamical approaches to cognitive science. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 4, (3), 91-98.
BOWER, B. (1999). Minds on the move. Science News, 155 (12), 184-189.
de WEERTH, C., van GEERT, P & HOIJTINK, H. (1999). Intraindividual variability in infant behavior. Developmental Psychology 35 (4), 1102 - 1112.
GHENT, E. (2002). Wish, need, drive: motive in the light of dynamic systems theory and Endelman's Selectionist Theory. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 12 (5), 763-808.
GRANIC, I., HOLLENSTEIN, T., DISHION, T., & PATTERSON, G. (2003). LongitudinalAnaly- sis of Flexibility and Reorganization in Early Adolescence: A Dynamic Systems Study of Fa- mily Interactions. Developmental Psychology, 39 (3), 606-617.
KELSO, J. A. S. (1999). Dynamic Patterns. The Self-Organization of Brain and Behavior. Cam- bridge, EE.UU: A Bradford Book MIT Press.
KOZULIN, A. (1994). La Psicología de Vygotski. Madrid, España: Alianza Editorial.
LEWIS, M.D., ZIMMERMAN, S., HOLLENSTEIN, T. & LAMEY, A.V. (2004). Reorganization in coping behavior at 11/2 years: dynamic systems and normative change. Developmental Science, 7 (1), 56-73
LICHTWARCK - ASCHOFF, A., & van GEERT, P. (2004). A dynamic systems perspective on social cognition problematic behavior and intervention in adolescence. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 1 (4), 399 - 411.
LOCKMAN, J. y THELEN, E. (1993). Brain, body, behavior connections. Special Section Inro- duction. Child Development, 64 (4), 953-959.
MOLENAAR, P. C. M. (2004). A manifesto on psychology as idiographic science: bringing the person back into scientific psychology, this time forever. Measurement, 2 (4), 201-128.
PIAGET, J. (2000). La equilibración de las estructuras cognitivas. Problema central del desarro- llo. (6ª. Ed). (Trad. E. Bustos). México: Siglo XXI. (Trabajo original publicado en 1975).
RESTREPO, C. J. (2007). Teoría del Caos: Sistemas Dinámicos y Series de Tiempo. Popayán, Colombia: Carlos Julio Restrepo Saavedra.
ROCHA, L. M. (1997). Evidence sets and contextual genetic algorithms: Exploring uncertain- ty, context and embodiment in cognitive and biological systems. N.Y: Binghamton University Doctoral dissertation.
SAVELSBERGH, G., van HOF, P., CALJOUW, S. R., LEDEBT, A., & van der KAMP, J. (2006). No single factor has priority in action development. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 5 (4), 493-505.
SERRA, M., LOTH, F. L., van GEERT, P., HURKENS, E & MINDERAA, R.B. (2002). Theory of mind in children with "lesser variant" of autism: A longitudinal study. Journal of Psychology and Psychiatry, 43 (7), 885 - 900.
SMITH, L., & THELEN, E. (2003). Development as a dynamic system. Trends in Cognitive Scien- ces, 7 (8), 343-348.
SMITH, L. & THELEN, E. (2003). Development as a dynamic system. Trends in cognitive scien- ce, 7 (8), 343 -348.
SPENCER, J.P., SMITH, L., & THELEN, E. (2001). Test of a dynamic systems account of the A-Not-B-Error: the influence of prior experience on the spatial memory abilities of two years old. Child Development 72 (5), 1327-1346.
SPENCER, J. P., CORBETTA, D., BUCHANAN, P., CLEARFIELD, M., ULRICH, B., & SCHÖ- NER, G. (2006). Moving toward a grand theory of development: In memory of Esther Thelen. Child Development , 77 (6), 1521-1538.
STEENBEEK, H., & van GEERT, P. (2008). The Empirical Validation of A Dynamic Systems Model Of Interaction: Do Children Of Different Sociometric Status Differ In Their Dyadic Play Interactions? Developmental Science, 11 (2), 253-281.
STEENBEEK, H., & van GEERT, P. (2007). A theory and dynamic model of dyadic interaction: Concerns, appraisals, and contagiousness in a developmental context. Developmental Review, 27, 1 - 40.
STEENBEEK, H., & van GEERT, P. (2005). A dynamic systems model of dyadic interaction du- ring play of two children. European Journal of Development Psychology, 2, 105 - 145.
THELEN, E. & MARUYAMA, S. (2004). Invariant timing structures of orchestra conductors' ham strokes. ICMPC8: 8th Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Evanston, IL, Australia.
THELEN, E. & BATES, E. (2003), Connectionism and dynamic systems: are they really different? Development Science 6 (4), 378-391.
THELEN, E. (2000). Motor development as foundation and future of developmental psychology. International Journal of Behavioral Development 24 (4), 385-397.
THELEN, E. & SMITH, L.B. (1994). A Dynamic Systems Approach to the Development of Cogni- tion and Action. Cambridg, M.A: MIT Press.
THELEN, E., CORBETTA, D., ZERNICKE, R., SPENCER, J. P., SCHNEIDER, K., & KAMM, K. (1993). The transition to reaching: mapping intention and instinsic dynamics. Child Deve- lopment , 64, 1058-1098.
THELEN, E. (1986). Treadmill-Elicited Stepping in Seven-Month-Old Infants. Child Develop- ment, 57 (6), 1498-1506.
THELEN, E., FISHER, D. & RIDLEY-JOHNSON, R. (1984). The relationship between physical growth and a newborn reflex. Infant Behavior & Development, 7, 479-493.
van DIJK, M. & van GEERT, P. (2007). Wobbles, humps and sudden jumps: A case study of con- tinuity, discontinuity and variability in early language development. Infant and child develop- ment, 16, 7 - 33.
van DIJK, M. (2004). Child Language Cuts Capers Variability and Ambiguity in Early Child De- velopment. Doctoral Thesis. Department of Developmental and Experimental Clinical Psycho- logy, University of Groningen.
van GEERT, P. (2003). Dynamic system approaches and modeling of developmental process. En J. Vasiner & K. Connolly (Eds). Handbook of developmental psychology. (pp. 640 -672). Lon- don: Sage.
van GEERT, P. (1998a). We almost had a great future behind us: The contribution of non-linear dynamics to developmental science in the making. Developmental science, 1 (1), 143-159.
van GEERT, P. (1998b). A dynamic systems model of basic development mechanism: Piaget, Vygostsky, and beyond. Psychological Review, 105 (4), 634 - 677.
van GEERT, P. (1997). Que será, será. Determinism and nonlinear dynamic model building in development. En: A. Fogel., M.C.D.P. Lyra, & J. Valsiner. Dynamics and indeterminism in developmental and social processes. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
van GEERT, P. (1994). Dynamic systems of development: Change between complexity and chaos.
N.Y. EE. UU: Harverster Wheatsheaf.
Van GEERT, P., & STEENBEEK, H. (2006). The dynamic of scaffolding. New Ideas in Psychology, 23,115-128.
van GEERT, P., & STEENBEEK, H. (2005). Explaining after by before: Basic aspects of a dyna- mic systems approach to the study of development. Develpmental Review, 25, 408 - 442.
van GEERT, P. & van DIJK, M. (2002). Focus on variability: New tolos to study intra- indivi- dual variability in developmental data. Infant Behavior and Development, 25, 340-374.
Capítulo 4
ADOLPH, K.E. & Vereijken, B. (2005). Esther Thelen (1942-2004). American Psychologist. 60(9), 1032.
BEER, R.D. (2006). Beyond control: The dynamics of brain-body-environment interaction in mo- tor systems. En: D. Sternad. (Ed). Progress in Motor Control: A multidisciplinary Perspective. EE.UU: Springer.
BEER, R.D. (2000). Dynamical approaches to cognitive science. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 4, (3), 91-98.
BOWER, B. (1999). Minds on the move. Science News, 155 (12), 184-189.
de WEERTH, C., van GEERT, P & HOIJTINK, H. (1999). Intraindividual variability in infant behavior. Developmental Psychology 35 (4), 1102 - 1112.
GHENT, E. (2002). Wish, need, drive: motive in the light of dynamic systems theory and Endelman's Selectionist Theory. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 12 (5), 763-808.
GRANIC, I., HOLLENSTEIN, T., DISHION, T., & PATTERSON, G. (2003). LongitudinalAnaly- sis of Flexibility and Reorganization in Early Adolescence: A Dynamic Systems Study of Fa- mily Interactions. Developmental Psychology, 39 (3), 606-617.
KELSO, J. A. S. (1999). Dynamic Patterns. The Self-Organization of Brain and Behavior. Cam- bridge, EE.UU: A Bradford Book MIT Press.
KOZULIN, A. (1994). La Psicología de Vygotski. Madrid, España: Alianza Editorial.
LEWIS, M.D., ZIMMERMAN, S., HOLLENSTEIN, T. & LAMEY, A.V. (2004). Reorganization in coping behavior at 11/2 years: dynamic systems and normative change. Developmental Science, 7 (1), 56-73
LICHTWARCK - ASCHOFF, A., & van GEERT, P. (2004). A dynamic systems perspective on social cognition problematic behavior and intervention in adolescence. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 1 (4), 399 - 411.
LOCKMAN, J. y THELEN, E. (1993). Brain, body, behavior connections. Special Section Inro- duction. Child Development, 64 (4), 953-959.
MOLENAAR, P. C. M. (2004). A manifesto on psychology as idiographic science: bringing the person back into scientific psychology, this time forever. Measurement, 2 (4), 201-128.
PIAGET, J. (2000). La equilibración de las estructuras cognitivas. Problema central del desarro- llo. (6ª. Ed). (Trad. E. Bustos). México: Siglo XXI. (Trabajo original publicado en 1975).
POUTHAS,V., & JOUEN, F. (1993). Les comportements du bébé expresión de son savoir? Mar-daga :Liège
RESTREPO, C. J. (2007). Teoría del Caos: Sistemas Dinámicos y Series de Tiempo. Popayán, Colombia: Carlos Julio Restrepo Saavedra.
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